Food & Packaging
Highly specialised producers, processors and service providers
Thanks to excellent logistics, businesses connections and innovative research facilities, the Leipzig Region has become a well-established home to a range of specialists across the whole food and nutrition industry.

The Leipzig Region has a wide range of highly specialised producers, processors and service providers along the entire food industry value chain.
Valuable natural areas and an agricultural tradition that has grown over centuries provide the basis for high-quality agricultural products, preparing fertile ground for sustainable food production, processing and refinement.
The Leipzig Region has cultivated an infrastructure that reduces the distance from the producers to the processing of agricultural raw materials. In addition, the Leipzig Region has developed into a world-leading logistics hub enabling regional, national and international distribution of food and nutrition products.
The interplay of the various growth sectors and the specific locational advantages of the Leipzig Region result in a knowledge-driven ecosystem that offers extraordinary potential. Furthermore, this innovative food industry ecosystem results in a stream of new and creative food start-ups such as Meiner Mött’s, the nu company or Smicies, serving the growing demand for organically produced, sustainable, Fairtrade or simply extraordinary food.
Food Industrie in the Leipzig Region
Numerous players are active in the Leipzig Region’s food industry – from specialised producers of regional products to internationally active companies.
Gemüsebau Kyhna, Obstland Dürrweitzschen AG (Sachsenobst), Delitzscher Schokoladenfabrik, Wurzener Dauerbackwaren GmbH, anona GmbH in Colditz, Krostitzer Brewery and Sternburg Brewery are just a few established producers who have made a name for themselves in the Leipzig Region over decades and are continuing to expand into other markets with their products.
Wurzener Mühlenprodukte (cornflakes, rice and snacks), Wurzener Feingebäck (from the Beukelaer group), Sachsenobst, Mutzschener Geflügel, Wermsdorfer Fisch and Delitzscher Schokolade und Süßwaren enjoy brand status in the DACH region.
The Leipzig Region has several local research institutions that support the food industry, including
- Institute of Food Hygiene
- Center of Veterinary Public Health (FISA)
- The Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research
- Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Food companies in the Leipzig Region benefit from proximity to the Leipzig Logistics Hub and relevant service providers and partners from research and development institutions.
Several companies provide packaging services for food and nutrition products(e.g. storaenso, sonoco, smurfit kappa). In addition, with bell & flavors, anona and c-LEcta, the Leipzig Region is home to leading players from the food ingredients sector who actively work on innovative solutions such as plant-based meat production.
The Leipzig Region is home to many skilled industry professionals thanks to the variety of courses offered by the University of Leipzig. These also offer perfect opportunities for employees to upskill and continue their professional development while working for you to ensure your company grows.